Linear Regression from Scratch in JS — First Foray into ML for Web Developers.
There’s a lot of resources out there for machine or deep learning in JS: from brain.js to tensorflow.js but it’s always to good to know what’s happening behind the scenes, even if it’s only a glimpse.
Linear regression, or at least the concept behind it, powers a vast array of many more complicated algorithms, so it would be awesome if we can build a linear regression model from scratch, in pure JS. Let’s get right to it.
For the ones in a hurry: Codepen’s at the end of the article.
We’ll start by adding a bit of HTML to our page so we can see what’s up and use our model in real time. I’ll use Bootstrap (V5) and Chart.js just fancy things up.
The format of our page is pretty simple. One input section to get the X values (independent variable), delimited by commas; hence, the user can input numbers in the format 1, 2, 3 and we can then read them into an array. A similar input section for the Y values (dependent variable).
Finally, we’ll have a button to trigger the model development and a canvas so we can plot the results — the HTML page now will look something like this.
Getting the values from the user
The user will need to input at least 3 numeric values in both input areas. Then we can simply get them as a string and convert that into an array of numbers to do our computations on.
Finding the slope
Linear regression is essentially finding the line of best given the x & y values — we’ll be using the Least Squares Method to do just that.
First, we’ll find the averages of the two arrays, x_values & y_values, and then use that to compute the slope (“m” in y=m*x+b) and we’ll create a “regressor” object to store the model’s details.
Or, better yet, in JS
Awesome, now we can use these values to find the slope using the formula below
Finding the intercept
The intercept refers to the “b” in y=m*x+b and represents the value where the line intersects the y-axis. The formula for this is relatively straightforward.
Predicting using our model
Now that we have our linear regression formula, we can enter the x values to see what the model predicts and then use the predictions against the true y values.
Finding the error
To know how well our model is performing, we can use a pretty handy metric called the R2 score. R2 score, r², is, in a sense, a measure of how much prediction error is eliminated when we employ least-squares regression — with a score of 1 being a perfect fit.
We can use these formulas and elegantly find the R2 score using the values we’ve found till now.
Awesome, that’s the meaty part: we have a functioning linear regression model that is ready to predict.
Displaying the results
Calculating it all is awesome, but it would be even better if we can visualize the results. We’ll use Chart.js to plot the actual and predicted values and add the equation to the user’s screen.
The final result should look something like this
The Pen
Nothing’s fun without a demo; the pen’s below and I’ve broken the functions for the sake of readability.
Machine learning’s a fun thing and hope this helps someone get started!